
A hit-and-run caused fatal injury in Mira Mesa San Diego.

California – January 14, 2023

A female pedestrian suffered fatal injury after trying to cross Camino Ruiz at Jade Coast Drive when a Cadillac STS ran a red light and struck her. The injured woman was rushed to the hospital with numerous injuries and was not expected to survive the crash.  The burgundy Cadillac was last seen heading north and is being investigated by San Diego police as a felony hit-and-run. Legal guidance to address anticipated negative changes to a family’s life and financial stability through personal injury litigation, or insurance compensation may prove beneficial to surviving loved ones.

California hit-and-run.

A hit-and-run action in California is a misdemeanor if no one suffers injury or death. A hit and run escalates into a felony if the driver was drunk at the time, under the influence, acted negligently, or if the accident results in death.  If the accident results in death or injury, the driver is guilty of a felony, punishable by up to four years in prison. The court may also order a fine not less than $1000 but not more than $10000.

Car Insurance and liability covers some payment of awards.

California law requires that drivers have a way to cover costs related to damages or injuries caused in car accidents. Purchasing liability car insurance is the simplest and most common way people choose to meet this requirement.

Distracted driving.

Driver distractions include eating, grooming, tending to small children, reaching for objects, tampering with automobile touchscreens, and any other task that involves a reduction of attention to the act of safe driving.  California has had distracted driving laws in place for over ten years now and those laws support damage claims when a driver’s use of a cell phone plays a major role in a vehicle accident.  The 2016 Assembly Bill 1785  was meant to discourage drivers from holding an electronic device while operating a vehicle.  California highway patrol is diligent in their efforts to decrease injuries and fatalities caused by distracted drivers through the issuance of tens of thousands of citations annually.

Comparative Negligence. 

California drivers are held responsible for willful acts as well as acts that occur during ordinary care and may have to pay damages for any part of accident-related activities that led to injury.  Compensation to victims will be adjusted in accordance with a percentage of fault assigned to all parties involved in the accident.  Experienced accident attorneys can explain how fault and damage compensation will be calculated and awarded in a pedestrian fatal injury case.


Damages include compensation for replacement or repair of property, costs incurred from medical professionals treating injuries, loss of wages, changes in lifestyle, pain and suffering and wrongful death claims including funeral expenses and future financial losses to family members and pain and suffering due to loss. Because the compensation will be based on the award set by a court of law, it is important for accident victims to keep comprehensive records of all costs incurred because of the accident.

Hire an attorney.

Seek legal counsel immediately after a pedestrian car crash that takes a loved one’s life. Hire an experienced attorney who is familiar with personal injury laws in California by contacting the Law Offices of Jeffrey E. Estes & Associates, who can assist with a wrongful death case against the negligent driver.

Jeffrey E. Estes & Associates, a Professional Law Corporation

501 West Broadway, Suite 1650

San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: 619-233-8021

Fax: 619-233-3730


  1. Pedestrian gravely injured in Mira Mesa hit-and-run crash – The San Diego Union-Tribune (sandiegouniontribune.com)
  2. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB1785



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