Are You at Risk of Having a Recalled Rental Ruin Your Vacation?
Car accidents lawyers in Columbus, Ohio have some valuable information to share that may leave you feeling a bit more at ease when picking up that rental of yours.
Summer time is here, and there is no doubt about it that plans are being carried out and anxious individuals are getting ready to begin their travels to destinations they have never traveled to. While some elect to venture out on a plane, or use their own personal vehicles, many choose to rent an automobile and enjoy not having to worry about adding on the mileage to their own. But how safe are rental cars, and is it the best option for you and your family to use when going on vacation?
With the increased number of recalls, rental companies are now required to fix any faults before renting out their cars.If you have ever rented a car, majority of the time they generally “seem” like they are well maintained and safe to use, but were you aware that there were “900 recalls affecting 51 million vehicles nationwide” in 2014? Yes, you heard that correctly, and it is more than likely some of these recalled or faulty vehicles are parked right in many of these rental companies parking lots. But how are you so sure the vehicle you receive has been checked, double-checked, and is ready to place your kids inside?
Well, car accident attorneys nearby in Columbus, Ohio are here to bring you up to speed as to what has recently transpired in the news room regarding these recalled rentals and whether or not yours may be at risk of bringing upon as accident.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there is a new law that has come into effect stating that as of June, 1, 2016, “rental car agencies must fix any and all open safety defects before renting out vehicles to customers.”
You always have the option of checking for vehicle recalls online.So, if you have a vehicle in mind that you wish to rent, there are two things local car crash attorneys in Columbus suggest you do.
- Search the vehicle make, model, and year online to see whether an open recall has been placed on it.
- Visit where you can check for any recalls on a vehicle you may have already scheduled to pick up.
During your summertime vacations, you are transporting precious cargo, including yourself and there is no room for mistakes, mishaps, or miscommunications. And while you do your part to ensure you are practicing safe driving to avoid any type of accident, now you are aware that your rental agency you may be scheduled to visit next week has a liability on their hands as well- and that is to keep you safe.
In the event you ever find yourself involved in an auto accident, E. Ray Critchett, LLC is a reliable and reputable car crash lawyer conveniently located in Columbus, Ohio and is more than capable of handling any car accident case brought his way. He can be contacted at 740.282.5393 should you need his legal advice or legal expertise.