Are You Ready for a True Self-Driving Vehicle?

Although self-driving vehicles have been around now for a bit of time, local car accident lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona are sharing with you what a true self-driving vehicle looks like and how you may be able to get your hands on one.

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be a passenger in your own car? No control, no driving, just an individual sitting inside their car awaiting to arrive at their destination. Well if you haven’t considered what this would be like, perhaps now is a good time to as these advanced self-driving cars are going to be manufactured and ready for drivers within the next five years. According to CNN Money, Ford along with a few other companies have already begun to develop cars you will have less control over as it drives. The only difference the Ford vehicle will have over all others is that you will not have any sort of control, even if you want it.

Who would be held liable in a driverless car accident?

According to CNN Money, the Ford automobile will “have no steering wheels, brake or gas pedals” and a mass production of these cars will be made within five years as mentioned. Ford already has close to 10 “self-driving Fusion Hybrid sedans” being tested on roadways in California, Arizona, and Michigan, and by 2018, they should have “a fleet of about 90.”

What has ignited all these companies to create their own self-driving cars and how will insurance carriers determine liability in the event an accident occurs?

According to CNN Money, last year alone our country had “more than 35,000 traffic fatalities” occur, and of those, 94% were brought on by human error. This means that these accidents aren’t occurring because of the weather or some other natural cause, rather, it is shear negligence that is creating scenarios where individuals are being killed in car collisions. Phoenix, Arizona car collision attorneys note that those who are in favor of these self-driving vehicles and firmly believe they are better “argue that a true self-driving car that doesn’t even give a human passenger the option to drive will ultimately be safer, since computers can be better drivers than humans.”

Because Arizona is a highly populated state, a good question would be whether this vehicle can handle the abundant amount of traffic.

If you weren’t aware, Arizona is recognized as the 6th most populated state, which has led to an increase in the number of car crashes that transpire, therefore, it can be assumed many are wondering whether or not this is something that will benefit society, or simply cause the statistics to increase in number.

Now, as you speculate on the facts, Phoenix car accident attorneys leave you with two questions: Will you be in line to “test drive” the upcoming self-driving Ford, and do you know who to contact in the event a car accident arises? While the answer to the first question is something you must ponder on, the second has a simple solution, and that is to contact

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