
Man is killed while exiting a Yuma parking lot

Yuma, AZ - When a vehicle is turning onto a major roadway, this always presents the possibility that another driver traveling at a high speed will hit them. If this happens, the injuries can be life changing or fatal. Those who were injured…

Head on collisions in Yuma can cause serious injuries

Yuma, AZ - Out of all of the ways that a car crash can happen, an impact from two vehicles going straight into each other is one of the worst. The initial impact from a head on crash tends to cause severe injuries and fatalities, and even safety…

What happens when an auto accident is caused by a defective vehicle in Yuma?

Yuma, AZ - Car accidents are a constant danger for people in Arizona and other states, and they happen for a number of different reasons. One way that crashes occasionally happen is due to some kind of faulty design or error in the manufacturing…

How common are uninsured drivers in Yuma?

Yuma, AZ - All drivers in Arizona need to carry auto insurance that pays for their liability in case of an accident. Although it is technically illegal for motorists to be on the road without this kind of minimum coverage, it happens regularly…

Can a driver who causes an accident in Yuma be arrested?

Yuma, AZ - In most cases, motor vehicle accidents are purely a civil matter. This means that the insurance companies of the drivers will try to find a way to pay for the damage after claims are made, and there can be lawsuits by the parties…

What can cause auto insurance costs to increase after an accident in Yuma?

Yuma, AZ - Auto insurance companies can be difficult to deal with for a number of reasons. However, auto insurance is required by law for drivers and a policy is often the only way for a driver to get payment for their vehicle repairs and other…

Here are the consequences of a hit and run accident in Yuma

Yuma, AZ - While every state has laws that make it illegal to simply drive away from an accident scene, this is still a common problem on the roads. Accident victims who have been harmed by a hit and run driver have the ability to report the…

What can happen to speeding drivers who cause accidents in Yuma?

Yuma, AZ - Speed limits are an important part of traffic laws in Arizona and other states, as speeding is a common cause of motor vehicle collisions. This is why speed limits are clearly posted in various areas, and law enforcement has the authority…

What are the causes of most car accidents in Yuma?

Yuma, AZ - Drivers in Arizona should avoid certain behaviors, as government data shows that these are the causes of most accidents in the state. If an accident does happen, the driver should notify the police and their insurance company as soon…

What Should I do if I Hit an Unoccupied Vehicle?

Flagstaff, AZ car accident attorneys are here to provide the necessary steps you want to take if you incur this type of situation. Car accidents range in severity and can occur in a number of different ways. You could be backing up in a parking…
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Accident Involving Self-Driving Uber Vehicle in AZ Prompts the Company to Suspend its Fleet of Vehicles in Pittsburgh

Uber has suspended its fleet of self-driving vehicles in Pittsburgh after one of its SUVs was involved in a deadly accident in Tempe, AZ. Earlier in the month, an Uber driver was put behind the wheel of a self-driving automobile, although the…

Arizona drivers who break traffic laws may be at fault for an accident

Phoenix, AZ - While motor vehicle accidents cannot be predicted, there are some precautionary steps that drivers in the Phoenix area can take to protect themselves in case an accident does happen. One of the best preventive measures is to be…

Phoenix residents may contact an attorney if their insurance coverage does not pay after an accident

Phoenix, AZ - A problem that many drivers deal with after a serious car accident is when an insurance claim will not pay for any or all of their losses. Anyone who is in this situation should take some time to review their situation, talk to…

Phoenix early morning collision injuries one passenger and kills a driver

Local news for the Phoenix area reported on a head on collision in Maricopa County, Arizona. Two car collision results in one death and another person with serious injuries The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office said that the incident…

Phoenix driver suffers from fatal injuries after being struck by another car during a turn

Car crashes result in large expenses due to things like hospitalization, property repairs, or even funeral and burial costs after a deadly accident. There are ways to utilize the civil law to get assistance with paying for these costs.  Local…