Tragic Fatality in Multi-Vehicle Collision on Belt Parkway
In a devastating turn of events, a 24-year-old man, Rakibul Hasan, lost his life on Monday in a multi-vehicle collision on the notorious Belt Parkway. The incident occurred at 10:26 p.m. as Hasan was traversing Plumb Beach towards Queens in…

Trends in Car Accidents in Brooklyn, New York: Causes and Solutions
Brooklyn, the populous borough of New York, has seen a notable rise in car accidents in recent years. When analyzing the statistics, a clear connection emerges between accident trends and various underlying causes. For instance, speeding and…

Disputing An Unjust Parking Ticket White Plains, NY
We need traffic and parking laws to maintain the order of the roads and society at large. Parking regulations in particular provide a lot of benefits to both public and private property. When someone breaks the rules, they pay a fine, and these…

How To Get Out of Paying a Parking Ticket in New York
Parking tickets may not represent a serious criminal offense, but they're a pain in the neck nonetheless. If you have received a parking ticket in Westchester County or White Plains, you may be wondering if there's a way to avoid paying the…

Defending Yourself After Hitting A Pedestrian In White Plains NY
Car accidents can be life-altering events no matter what side of the windshield you’re on. In the state of New York, an average of 312 people are killed each year after being struck by vehicles. It’s unfortunate, but sometimes the pedestrians…

What’s the Worst Traffic Ticket You Can Possibly Get in New York?
Most people view traffic tickets as a minor annoyance, but is that always the case? How expensive can a traffic ticket get in New York? You might be surprised at the answer. While you might be tempted to simply pay a $30 traffic fine and forget…

Who can collect no-fault benefits after a car accident in Syracuse, NY?
Every vehicle owner in New York State is required to purchase No-Fault insurance coverage. No-fault insurance, which is also referred to as Personal Injury Protection (PIP), provides up to $50,000 to the driver and any passengers who were injured…

The Dangers Associated with New York’s Parking Laws
New York streets are different from many others across the country. Because of the way the housing is setup in most cities in the state of New York, people are required to park along the street as opposed to parking their vehicle in a driveway.…

Fatal Single-Vehicle Accidents are on the Rise in the U.S.
Did you or a loved one recently engage in a car crash in Saratoga Springs, NY? Did you suffer from a severe injury that now requires you to seek medical care on a continual basis? If so, consider contacting USAttorneys.com so you can receive…

Are there any differences in filing a lawsuit after a car accident when children are injured in New York?
Most drivers would be horrified to think that their children could be injured while they are riding in the car with them. However, this does happen at times and it is important to understand how to react and get the right kind of help during…