University students die in accident near border of West Virginia
Bridgeport, WV - While most motor vehicle crashes result in only property damage or minor injuries, there is a possibility of a worst case scenario where multiple people lose their lives in one accident. Unfortunately, traffic data for West…

What happens if multiple drivers are at fault for an accident in West Virginia?
Bridgeport, WV - Some car accident cases have serious complexities. There may be multiple cars involved, and more than one driver could have made a mistake that directly resulted in the crash. In these situations, an experienced attorney can…

If a driver in West Virginia runs through a stop sign are they automatically at fault for a car accident?
When a driver approaches a stop sign, they are required by law to stop. If a driver fails to stop at a stop sign and causes an accident as a result, they could be held entirely responsible for the collision. However, if another party was involved…

Do car accidents affect insurance premiums?
West Virginia—A car crash may or may not affect an individual’s premium. It all depends on the circumstances surrounding the accident and what policies the insurer has in place regarding accidents. For example, if an individual is liable…

What are West Virginia’s Cell Phone Laws?
Drivers in the State of West Virginia are required to abide by their state’s cell phone laws that aim to make roadways safer by reducing the chances of a distracted driving accident occurring. According to Chapter 17C of the West Virginia…

West Virginia residents can get help from an accident attorney to receive compensation after a collision
Bridgeport, WV - Auto accidents are a common problem that many drivers in West Virginia and the rest of the United States have to deal with at various times. In many situations, the people affected can merely file an insurance claim, have their…