How can a homeowner be compensated after a car crashes into their property in Fort Lauderdale?

Car accidents are a common problem, and especially in a major city with lost of traffic like Fort Lauderdale, many people experience some kind of property damage related to a car accident at various points in their lives. When a car actually drives into a home, it can cause significant damage to the structure of the house itself, along with damages to vehicles, personal property, and injuries to those inside. Regardless of the type of insurance coverage available, it is still recommended to retain a lawyer to assist you during the aftermath of a car accident.

Car drives into home in Fort Lauderdale

A crash in Fort Lauderdale involved a driver who lost control, and then his car struck a home right near the road on a Tuesday morning. The local police department believes the accident happened around 6:30 am at the area near East Evanston Circle and Kentucky Ave. At the time of the news report, they were investigating to determine the cause of the accident and see if any injuries occurred. The local news also spotted the accident from a helicopter after the fact, so the exact cause of the accident was also unknown until further details were collected.

Payment for property damage

In situations such as this, it is possible to get a total estimate of the property damage and hold the driver or their insurance company accountable. This can be done even if the homeowner has a relevant home insurance policy to cover some of the damage, as the incident was ultimately the driver’s fault. Most homeowner’s insurance policies do cover damage to the home itself, but if your parked cars or other items of personal property were damaged these may not be covered through standard homeowner’s insurance.

When people are injured, this is also another issue that needs to be addressed through suing the driver for medical expenses, treatment, and emergency room visits. Especially if serious injuries occur, it is imperative to make sure that the driver is held accountable for their actions and has to pay for continued care.

Damage awards

Most of these kinds of lawsuits are negligence cases filed against the driver. From a legal standpoint, this just means that the driver was not careful enough and caused injuries or property damage because of their lapse in judgment while driving. The most important element of these cases is the amount of money or damages that a lawyer asks for to cover the victim’s expenses and related problems.

All experienced accident lawyers know how to make the right kinds of arguments to get you the most compensation allowed by law. The driver may be forced to pay additional amounts beyond repairs and medical expenses if it is determined that they were driving recklessly in violation of any traffic regulations or criminal laws. This can sometimes include non economic harms related to pain and suffering or punitive damages meant to punish the party at fault in cases of egregious conduct. A brief conversation with a lawyer should be enough to get an estimate of the value of your accident based on the specific harm you have suffered.

Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers are ready to help you

If you have experienced property damage or injuries because of another driver, it is important to get help from a knowledgeable attorney shortly afterward to receive full compensation. Gabriela C. Novo is a former Broward County prosecutor who is experienced in a number of different legal matters. She can provide expert legal advice and assistance after an accident.