How Can I Stay Safe on Cinco de Mayo?


Whether you are planning to get together with a group of friends to go out and celebrate Cinco de Mayo, or you are looking to avoid all the hustle and bustle that generally comes along with a holiday such as this, it is important to be mindful that during times like these, accidents are more prone to occurring. This is why car accident attorneys in Fairfield, Connecticut want to provide you with some up front tips and recommendations on just how to keep you, your friends, and even your loved ones free from harm as this day is viewed as one to celebrate. After all, it never hurt anyone to be a little more alert when others around may not be right?

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo safely this year.

While some may celebrate within the comfort of their own homes, many individuals would rather be out in the social light, having a good time, and generally on Cinco de Mayo, have a few drinks. Whichever way you to decide to plan out your night, it is important you do just that, plan accordingly. According to Safety 1st Driving School, this has made their list of top safety tips, and with good reason. Without further adieu, here is the top four tips to taking precaution this Cinco de Mayo.

Not only is it irresponsible, but also against the law to drink and drive.

Adhere to the Laws- For those who may be underage and are concerned they cannot have as much fun as those 21 and older individuals, rest assured, you would be doing yourself an injustice and breaking the law if you decided to engage in underage drinking. Car accident lawyers in Fairfield, Connecticut suggest you get together with friends who are close to your age you will not influence you or pressure you to take part in drinking while under the legal age limit.

Planning– If you are 21 or older, and you know for a fact that you and some close friends will be going out for drinks later that evening, Connecticut car collision legal representatives advise that in order to be one step ahead of the game, know how you will be getting home. You can start by programming phone numbers into your cell phone for taxi services such as Uber, Lyft, or a local taxi company. Not only do you want to refrain from driving while drunk, but you want to be sure you can easily access the most important phone numbers that night as well.

Do not allow a friend to operate their vehicle after having too much to drink.

Protect Your Friends– If a friend clearly has had too much to drink, do not allow them to get behind the wheel of their car.

Protecting Those Around You- If you are able to drive home, and you suspect someone is driving while under the influence, call your local police to report it. You could save a life by carrying out this simple gesture.

The car crash law firms in Fairfield, Connecticut cannot stress the importance to staying safe this Cinco de Mayo and highly suggest you take these tips into consideration should you already have big plans in place that may involve drinking.