
How Deadly are Head-On Collisions?

Head-on collisions are one of the rarer types of accidents on New Mexico roads. But when they do happen, they can be devastating for everyone involved and may result in one or more wrongful deaths


A head-on collision may happen because of an unfortunate mistake, such as one driver veering into the wrong side of the road. However, they can also be caused by distracted driving, drunk driving, or brake failure. Therefore, if you are ever driving and see a vehicle coming towards you, you should do whatever it takes to avoid a head-on collision.


Wrongful Death as a Result of a Head-On Collision

While head-on crashes make up only 2% of the car accidents in the U.S., they represent 10% of the crash-related deaths. When a fatal accident does occur, family members and those dependent on the deceased may recover compensation on account of wrongful death. If someone other than the deceased was at fault for the crash, expenses for funeral bills and loss of consortium might be recovered.

Suing After a Head-On Collision 

It is a challenging task to identify the responsible party for a head-on crash. The impact of the collision causes extreme wreckage and usually sends both vehicles in different directions than they were at the time of impact. Typically, an accident reconstruction specialist is required to discover who was at fault or what happened. They will look at skid marks and other identifiers. For this reason, it is crucial to seek a wrongful death attorney after an accident to ensure the investigation is thorough and all evidence is documented correctly.

Other Injuries

Aside from potential wrongful death, there are devastating injuries that can occur from a head-on collision. These include:

  • brain trauma
  • paralysis 
  • broken bones
  • disfigurement. 


When the other party is at fault, compensation for the following damages may be recovered:

  • past and future medical bills
  • past and future wage losses 
  • household services
  • pain and suffering


Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If someone you love has passed away from a collision that was not their fault, a wrongful death lawyer can assist you in recovering damages. The days following a fatal crash are painful and confusing, and the emotional burden of moving forward can feel unbearable, which is why you should not require the added stress of huge expenses. 

 The Law Office of Brian K Branch has years of experience in wrongful death cases, and we are patient and passionate about helping families reach the other side in the best place possible. We are committed to helping those who need it most. So, Reach out today to book a consultation at our office in Albuquerque.


The Law Office of Brian K Branch


715 Marquette Ave. NW

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Tel: 505.764.9710

Toll Free: 888.972.1212

Fax: 505.764.9722

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