How Much Has Google’s Self-Driving Vehicle Progressed?

Car accident lawyers in Columbia, South Carolina take a look at some of the concerns brought along with Google’s Driverless Car.

If we consider how technology has evolved and think about the growth we have seen in our vehicles and the ways in which they are made, the transformation is extraordinary. The first car accident dates all the way to 1899, when a man was struck by a taxi in New York City. That alone identifies the period of time that automobiles have been on the roadway, and from the looks of it, we can see just how far we have come in the development of the vehicle itself. But the newest addition to the way in which cars are being created have many questioning how safe they truly are and who is to be held liable in the event a car accident arises.

Google has already conducted extensive studies to determine whether their vehicles are safe or not.

Google has made an attempt to change the way drivers use their automobiles from having total control of maneuvering the vehicle to having no control at all. According to The Atlantic, Google has already spent several years test driving this new piece of technology covering “more than 1.4 million miles,” however, only minor accidents have been reported and none involving the “autonomous” vehicle as the cause. Unfortunately, car accident attorneys in South Carolina report that on February 14th, things took a turn in a different direction.

A Lexus SUV was out on a test run, only traveling at approximately 2 miles per hour when it “side-swiped a city bus.” It seems there were some sandbags in the way and in order to avoid colliding with them, the car tried “to merge in front of the bus to avoid” them. Although these self-driving cars are expected to reduce the number of accidents that occur on the roads each and every day, this slight fender bender may ignite some to question whether or not drivers want to partake in this risky upgrade to our automobiles.

Car crash lawyers in Columbia, South Carolina understand the importance and efforts put forth by many to decrease the number of fatal accidents occurring, however, The Atlantic provided a valid point highlighting the fact that eventually these self-driving cars are going to engage in an accident, and it may just be a fatal one. It was also stated that while this recent accident was only a minor one, it is the more severe ones to come that will truly reveal how the public is going to accept these autonomous vehicles.

Although a serious accident has yet to occur, some believe one is to transpire eventually.

While google continues to work on its new and improved form of travel, car and truck accidents are still occurring on the roadway. The Columbia, South Carolina truck accident lawyers at McWhirter, Bellinger & Associates, P.A. remind drivers that regardless of the type of vehicle you are in, always practice safe driving and remain alert to prevent or avoid any incident from occurring when out on the roadway.

As reliable as automobiles are, they still pose a threat to our lives when operated improperly.