How Often is Aggressive Driving to Blame for Causing Fatal Car Crashes?

car accident lawyers in Boca Raton, FL

Speeding, erratic lane change, and failure to yield the right of way are all considered forms of aggressive driving when done angrily or with the intent to endanger someone else.

Between 2003 and 2007, aggressive driving played a role in 56% of the fatal crashes that transpired on U.S. roadways [Source: Insurance Information Institute (III)].Still to this day, it continues to be an issue that not only raises the annual death rate for automobile accidents, but it also contributes to costly damage as well as minor and serious injuries. While most associate aggressive driving with an angry and belligerent driver, the truth is, something as common as speeding is considered to be a form of aggressive driving when done with malicious intent.


In 2016, 9,234 drivers and motorcycle riders were involved in a fatal crash resulting from driving too fast for conditions or in excess of the posted speed limit or racing, according to the III.


Aside from speeding, some other forms of aggressive driving that have contributed to causing fatal car crashes include:


  • Following improperly.
  • Improper or erratic lane changing.
  • Driving illegally on the shoulder of the road, in a ditch, or on a sidewalk or median.
  • Passing where it is prohibited.
  • Operating the vehicle in an erratic, reckless, careless, or negligent manner or suddenly changing speeds.
  • Failure to yield right of way.
  • Failure to obey traffic signs, traffic control devices, or traffic officers, failure to observe safety zone traffic laws.
  • Failure to observe warnings or instructions provided by their vehicle’s safety system.
  • Failure to properly signal.
  • Driving too fast for conditions or in excess of the posted speed limit.
  • Racing
  • Making an improper turn.


[Source: Insurance Information Institute].


Unfortunately, places like Boca Raton, Miami, and other south Florida cities are prone to having accidents occur that are caused by aggressive drivers. In 2018, Local 10 News reported that over the course of more than a half-dozen crackdown campaigns, Florida Highway Patrol issued over 80,000 aggressive driving citations.” The fact is, not only is it extremely dangerous for a driver to engage in acts of aggressive driving, but it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle in this manner as well.

Because drivers are not permitted to operate their vehicles with the intent to endanger another person or their property, they can be held liable by both law enforcement as well as another motorist when their careless act causes a car accident.


Were you recently involved in a wreck in Boca Raton, FL with an aggressive driver?


If so, you need to connect with a Boca Raton, FL car accident lawyer as soon as possible. While you might be under the impression that the police report that was written up at the accident scene is going to be enough to get the insurance company to pay you what you are due, this generally doesn’t happen. In fact, most accident victims are significantly undercompensated following a collision with a negligent driver. Therefore, to ensure your injuries and property damage is paid along with any other damages you suffered, you will need to retain an experienced attorney who can help you.


car accident law firm in Boca Raton, FL

If an aggressive driver crashed into your vehicle and you are looking to recover the maximum compensation for your damages, you should consider contacting a local car crash lawyer in Boca Raton, FL.

FL car accident attorney Jeffrey A. Rosenberg, who provides his legal services to those involved in a collision in Boca Raton as well as the surrounding area can estimate the true value of your damages and assist you with recovering this amount and nothing less. To schedule an initial, consultation with attorney Jeffrey A. Rosenberg, simply call 561-508-8800.


The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rosenberg, PLLC is located at:


5255 North Federal Highway, 3rd Floor
oca Raton, FL 33487

Phone: 561-508-8800
