How Will the Bicyclist Roadway Plans in San Diego Affect Others?
Bicyclists have struggled for many years with the fact that there isn’t enough space on the roadway for them to share it with other motorists. Although bike lanes have been created for those who travel on a bicycle in order for them to legally share the roadway with other drivers, it seems California is one state that continues to make attempts and adjustments to the road in order for bicyclists to have an adequate amount of space to ride. Car accident lawyers in San Diego, California note that among many of the car accidents that do occur, those riding a bike are severely impacted as they too become entangled in the accident as well.
Some car accidents that occur also implicate the lives of those riding a bicycle.While some drivers make an attempt to take precaution and keep an eye out for those riding a bike, others may not practice safe driving which can leave a bicyclist injured, debilitated, or even dead. So what it is that has California residents concerned and even business owners when it comes to expanding and revamping the roads so bicyclists are truly taken into consideration.
CBS 8 News recently published their article on May 25, 2016 highlighting some of the details pertaining to the new bike plan that is underway in San Diego and why some may not be too excited about the modifications that are soon to come. Car accident attorneys in San Diego, California note that the project in Uptown is “about to get rolling, however business owners have more questions about the plan.” Apparently, these plans were previously approved last year, however, in a recent public hearing, there was more to say about the projected project.
The bike path is going to extend 12-miles long and is “expected to be placed between the sidewalk and angled parking.” Unfortunately, business owners are concerned with the number of parking spaces they will have available for their customers to use once the project is completed. More and more individuals are using their bikes rather than their vehicles and paving a way for them to ride safer and keeping less congestion on the road may be what San Diego needs.
The new and improved bike path that will ultimately take riders off the road and place them in a safer space will begin being constructed next summer.
It is important that drivers always consider bike riders who share the roadway.One important thing car crash lawyers want drivers to be aware of are the dangers the roads hold. While driving in a car is already a risk in its own, those on a bicycle have a likelier chance of becoming injured by an inattentive driver. Although this particular project has yet to begin, car collision legal representatives in San Diego can confirm it is still a “go” until further updates are released.
The San Diego, California auto accident attorneys at Braddock Law encourage drivers to continue practicing safe driving as these initiatives are set into place, and to keep a watchful eye out for any riders who may be sharing the road with you. And if you ever find yourself in a predicament where you were injured in a car accident, the Braddock Law Firm are the skilled professionals you want to speak with.