
Importance of Traumatic Brain Injury screening after a car crash in San Diego. 

California – July 22, 2022

Automobile accidents are responsible for at least half of reported traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of TBI, resulting in hospitalization.  A car accident attorney can answer questions regarding options for monetary compensation to address injuries and related expenses for TBI.

Complications of invisible injury.

Motor vehicle accident victims should be screened by medical professionals to determine if they have an invisible injury after a car accident head injury. They should speak with an accident lawyer to make certain they did not suffer bodily harm that may cause ill-effects at some time in the future. Traumatic brain injuries can be referred to as invisible injuries because they cannot be seen without invasive diagnostic testing. Brain injuries require assessment and treatment by trained health care professionals. Traumatic brain injury symptoms could present as emotional changes in mood, and irritability, reveal in physical manifestations such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue, as well as cognitive signs involving memory problems and difficulty with attention.

Recoverable damage compensation.

Blunt trauma is a serious type of head injury that can occur in an automobile accident when a moving head strikes a stationary object like the windshield. It is important for accident victims to receive proper diagnostic screening even when injuries seem minor because TBI, referred to as an invisible epidemic, may have caused more damage than is visible. Head injuries can have short and long-term negative effects on accident victims and TBI-related disability can cause enormous financial burdens for victims and families. If the personal injury litigation attorney is successful, an insurance settlement claim or jury award will address the losses that include:

  • Expenses for medical treatment, future medical expenses, changes in life expenses, lost professional careers impacting wages, and behavioral health decline,
  • Hospitalization,
  • Acute hospital-based rehab,
  • Subacute and post-acute rehabilitation in a residential facility,
  • Outpatient therapy,
  • Skilled nursing care,
  • Assisting living care,
  • Counseling,
  • Suicide intervention,
  • Prescription medications,
  • Care team treatment to include physical, speech and occupational therapists, in addition to neuropsychologists, social workers, rehabilitation nurses, and psychiatrists.

Seek experienced legal counsel.

Talk to an attorney immediately after a car crash involving a possible invisible injury after head trauma as they are familiar with California accident laws. The Law Offices of Jeffrey E. Estes & Associates will take action to build a winning personal injury case against the negligent driver. California law requires that drivers have a way to cover costs related to damages, or injuries they have caused in a car accident and legal counsel can communicate with insurance companies on a victim’s behalf to secure damage compensation for injuries.


Jeffrey E. Estes & Associates, a Professional Law Corporation

501 West Broadway, Suite 1650

San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: 619-233-8021

Fax: 619-233-3730


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/pubs/tbi_report_to_congress.html
  2. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&sectionNum=20001
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