
Is Your Teen Aware of Connecticut’s Roadway Rules?

Our teens today make up tomorrow’s future, and in order to ensure teens are kept safe and out of harm’s way, they need to be informed of the laws pertaining to driving. Driving is a privilege that is earned with time, and once a teen reaches a point in their life where they are permitted to get behind the wheel, they need to be well aware of what actions they can and cannot partake in. There are certain laws that both teens and parents need to be aware of so that roadway rules are abided by and car crashes are avoided.

The laws currently active in the state of Connecticut are designed to keep teens safe while they learn how to properly operate a vehicle.

Because teen car accidents continue to rise in number as teen drivers are still learning how to operate a vehicle, car accident lawyers in Litchfield, CT feel it is necessary to highlight some of Connecticut’s teen driving laws to reiterate what rules your teen is expected to follow. The State of Connecticut Center for Teen Safe Driving has compiled a list of several laws teens must follow which may prevent them from engaging in an accident and allow them to learn how to drive carefully and cautiously.

  • In order for a driver to be permitted to operate a vehicle, they must be at least 16 years of age.
  • Once a teen obtains their learners permit, they are not allowed to have any passengers in the vehicle with them except a licensed driving instructor who is at least 20 years of age.
  • After the first six months of acquiring a driver’s license, the teen driver can operate a vehicle with their parent or legal guardian who has a valid driver’s license.
  • During the second six months, your teen is permitted to drive with a new licensed driver and any immediate family member.
  • Teens are not permitted to use their cellphones while driving nor are they allowed to use hands-free devices.

Are teen drivers subjected to a curfew?

Because teens are still learning how to drive, they are not permitted to operate a vehicle between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Car crash attorneys in Litchfield, CT note that because many fatal accidents occur during late night hours, teens living in the state of Connecticut are required to abide by a curfew. The curfew begins at 11 p.m. and ends at 5 a.m. A teen is only permitted to drive during these times if they are traveling for employment, school, religious activities, or for medical necessity. If a teen is caught driving during curfew hours and does not have a legitimate reason for doing so, they risk their license being suspended and having to pay fines, including court costs.

Although the laws may seem strict, it is important your teen takes them seriously. Too many young drivers lose their lives and are never given the chance to develop into their full potential all because of one simple mistake that was made. So, while your teen is required to follow these laws, they are also encouraged to practice safety and be cognizant of their actions and surroundings.

While we continue to do all we can to avoid collisions, some are inevitable. In the event your teen or any other family member is ever involved in an car crash in the state of Connecticut, consider speaking with car accident attorney Robert Sciglimpaglia. You can contact Robert Sciglimpaglia at 203-663-2803 or at www.ctworkerscompattorney.com/contact.