Is Your Teen Guilty of Texting and Driving?

Has your teen recently acquired their drivers license? Are they aware of the new laws pertaining to driving that have come into effect for the 2016 year? As your teen is probably quite excited to finally receive the freedom of being able to operate a vehicle on their own, there are laws they must abide by as well as precautions they should be taking in order to avoid engaging in a car accident. If you have yet to learn of these newly enacted laws, you are in luck as car accident lawyers in Austin, Texas are going to highlight the important ones below.

With Texas already placing a ban on cell phone usage by teen drivers, it seems the roads have yet to achieve a level of safety where new laws are no longer required to be developed. With that in mind, Texas Department of Transportation noted that two major cities located in Texas, San Antonio and Austin, “have passed new ordinances that prohibit the use of handheld devices while driving,” and that also goes for those riding a bicycle as well. And should any motorist be caught texting while driving, Austin, Texas car crash attorneys note that there is no exception in Texas and the fees you face in Austin alone start at $500.00.

Some other cell phone laws in Austin pertain to those under the age of 18, and it is stated that they are prohibited from using any device whatsoever. Another law that still stands is refraining from using a cell phone in a school crossing zone. With the above mentioned information provided by Texas Driving, the site also takes notice to the fact that 40 other cities within Texas have taken initiative in making their roadways safer and have some sort of “texting and driving ban.”

With the increased amount of individuals who are are guilty of texting and driving, as well as teens still learning the rules of the road and the best practices they should be implementing, using a cell phone only places more risk for harm and injuries. Always remember to remind your teen that in the event they feel obligated to answer a phone call or respond to a text to do so after pulling off in a safe area.

While your teen may be legally permitted to drive, they are still learning and gaining experience. During this time, they more prone to becoming entangled in an accident if they fail to drive cautiously as well as carefully. The one major distraction that many seem to fall victim to is the one your teen should refrain from while they are taking on their new independent role. Whether they are at a stoplight, or driving slowly through a reduced speed zone, using a cell phone increases the chance of a car accident tremendously.

Car collision legal representatives in Austin, Texas cannot stress enough how important it is to steer clear of using a cellular device, even if it is hands free. Cell phones are too much of a distraction and are not worth the loss of a life.