
Louisiana has passed laws to limit distracted driving and phone use

Baton Rouge, LA – One of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents is cell phone use and texting. As more and more drivers started bringing their mobile phones with them in the car, this became a dangerous distraction that can easily result in a collision if the driver takes their eyes off of the road for several seconds at a time while calling or texting. As a response to this problem, Louisiana and other states started to pass laws to limit, restrict, and ban phone use while driving. 

Distracted driving legislation in Louisiana

Louisiana has tried to adopt a comprehensive plan to eliminate distracted driving through several different laws. The broad law that covers cellphone and mobile device use says that drivers in the state cannot write, read, or otherwise communicate through text messages, social media applications, and other similar programs while operating a motor vehicle. Calls also cannot be made while the driver is in an active school zone. Drivers who are under the age of 18 cannot use a phone at all while driving. 

The only exceptions to these rules are if the driver needs to make an emergency call to report crime in progress, an accident, and other similar problems. Workers who are emergency personnel are also exempt from these rules during their job duties. There is also another exception for the use of a GPS or similar map system. 

Citations for anyone violating these laws can be expensive. The first traffic ticket will likely end up costing the driver up to $500. An additional violation can possibly cost up to $1000 in fines with a six month license suspension. Any fine related to these laws is doubled if the driver caused an accident while they were distracted.  

Lawsuits involving distracted driving

When someone is involved in an accident, evidence of traffic violations and citations for distracted driving can become important in a later lawsuit. The lawyer for the victim can use this evidence to help show that the driver was negligent when they caused the accident. Negligence is a legal term for a type of civil lawsuit where a victim sues another person who was not careful enough on the roads and caused injuries and losses. Most personal injury cases and car accident lawsuits are filed as negligence cases, which require the four elements of duty, breach, causation, and damages.  

Getting legal assistance

There are lawyers who are available to speak with accident victims about filing a civil case on their behalf and other related issues. Miller, Hampton, and Hilgendorf is a trusted firm in the Baton Rouge area that is ready to advocate on behalf of local clients.  

Firm contact info:

Miller, Hampton, and Hilgendorf

3960 Government St., Baton Rouge, LA 70806



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