
Methhead Kills Five and Injures Mississippi Woman in Fiery Truck Crash

Substance abuse issues can cause serious issues on the road, especially when drivers take hard drugs like meth before getting behind the wheel. This was made clear when a meth-addicted driver started driving the wrong way down a highway before causing a fiery crash. The collision claimed the lives of five young students. A woman from Mississippi was also severely burned. Crashes like these highlight serious safety issues on our roads. But what can you do if you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi car accident?

A Clear Case of Driver Negligence

On January 25th, police reported that a driver had a suspended license and was high on meth when he drove the wrong way down a highway in a pick-up truck. He then struck another passenger vehicle, causing a semi-truck to swerve into oncoming traffic. It was at this point that the semi-truck collided head-on with a pick-up truck carrying five people — killing all of them in a fiery blaze. He then failed a field sobriety test. Today, he faces 11 charges, including five counts of aggravated vehicular homicide. Each of these counts carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence.

Police say that when they arrived at the scene, a woman from Mississippi was found trapped inside the tractor-trailer. One trooper describes how she watched her suffer serious burns that affected her face while unable to free her from the wreckage. It was later reported that this woman had suffered third-degree burns across her face and upper body, although her condition was stabilized after she was flown to a nearby hospital.

The negligent driver is yet to appear in court for a hearing. Although criminal charges are important, it is also crucial that the surviving family members and injured victims receive compensation for their injuries. But their options may be limited because of the driver’s suspended license and lack of income.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit after Losing a Loved One in a Mississippi Car Accident

If you have lost a loved one in a Mississippi car accident, it may be possible to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This could provide you with compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, funeral expenses, and much more. Only certain family members can file wrongful death claims, such as spouses, children, and parents of the victim.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Mississippi?

If you’ve been searching the Mississippi area for a qualified, experienced car accident attorney, look no further than Ballard Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs in the Magnolia State — including those who have lost loved ones in fatal car accidents. We know how life-altering these incidents can be, and we can help you hold negligent parties accountable. Book your consultation today to get started with a solid action plan.


  1. https://trib.com/news/state-and-regional/crime-and-courts/driver-was-on-meth-had-suspended-license-when-he-caused-crash-that-killed-5-officials/article_0e4f3612-9cf6-11ed-9e45-8719dd0e051e.html
  2. http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2019/html/HB/1000-1099/HB1071IN.htm


Ballard Law, PLLC
108 S President St.
Jackson, MS 39201
(769) 572-5111


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