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New Hampshire has over one million licensed drivers on the roads, which means there are numerous opportunities for a car accident to occur. In 2014, there were 22, 395 traffic collisions in the state which result in 89 deaths and 308 serious injuries, according to the New Hampshire Office of Highway Safety.
If you are the victim of a car crash in New Hampshire, you probably have many questions about your accident. You may be asking yourself: Who is responsible for my medical bills? What costs are covered by insurance? How do I file my injury claim?
After your accident, you need answers to your questions, and no one is more qualified to do that than one of our car accident lawyers. Our team of attorneys in New Hampshire will evaluate the circumstances of your case so they can answer your questions and recover fair compensation. In fact, there are several ways a car accident lawyer can benefit your case; they can:
There are numerous ways a car accident attorney can be beneficial to your accident claim. We listed a few above, but one of the biggest benefits of retaining an accident lawyer is a larger settlement amount. Our team of accident lawyers will make your case their top priority.
Most car accident cases are resolved through negotiations with the responsible party’s insurer, but car accident victims shouldn’t expect the first offer they receive to be enough to cover all your medical and other expenses. You need someone on your side who knows how to negotiate a better settlement.
Economic Damages- These damages are issued for a victim’s economic losses which include all medical expenses, rehabilitation and property repair and replacement. Economic damages are also awarded to cover a victim’s lost wages and any other costs they incur as a direct result of their crash.
Emotional Distress- A car accident can have an emotional impact so that victims can seek compensation or their pain and mental anguish.
Wrongful death compensation- This compensation is awarded to children, parents, spouses and other family members of people killed in a traffic accident. Wrongful death settlement covers the medical, funeral and burial expenses of the deceased and emotional damages for surviving family members.
Punitive damages-These damages are not awarded in all cases, but they are appropriate if the at-fault party acted egregiously or with gross negligence.
As soon after as possible, you need to set up a consultation with an accident lawyer in New Hampshire to evaluate your case and determine the best route to take for your case. You can be confident in our legal team and count on them to make our injury claim their top priority.
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