Rollover Car Crash
Single-Vehicle Rollover Crashes
Rollover crashes are often deadly. Occupants are tossed around and, if not properly restrained, they can be ejected and suffer catastrophic injuries. According to Forbes, an average of 8,000 people die in single-vehicle rollover crashes every year. Seventy percent of rollover crashes are run-off-the-road (ROR) incidents, and in the other 30 percent, the car stays on the road (OR), according to a 2007 study conducted by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Speed is the leading cause of single-vehicle rollovers and accounts for 90 percent of deadly crashes, the NHTSA concludes. It is difficult for a driver to maintain control at a high rate of speed and the slightest miscalculation can result in a devastating wreck, as Butler and LaBelle’s fatal crash shows.
Drinking and driving is another common factor in single-vehicle accidents. NHTSA analysis found that between 1991 to 2007, drivers with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.01 percent or more were responsible for 85.6 percent of fatal ROR accidents.
Driver inattention is also a factor in single-vehicle rollover collisions. Talking, eating, daydreaming or focusing on the stereo increases a motorist’s chances of being in a rollover accident 75 percent than drivers who make driving errors like tailgating, according to the NHTSA.
How Can a Passenger Recover Compensation for a Traffic Accident?
Passengers injured in a traffic accident can seek compensation from the at-fault driver or file a claim with their insurer unless the at-fault party is a close relative. Recovering an accident settlement as a passenger can become complicated which is why victims should hire an accident attorney in California. They can inform you of your legal options and help you choose the option that works best for you and will get you the maximum amount you deserve.
As a passenger, you can recover compensation by:
Filing a claim with your insurer, and/or
Filing a claim with the at-fault driver.
A personal injury or wrongful death claim filed by a passenger or on their behalf is considered a third- party claim, and as a third party, you may have to pursue more than one suit to recover the full amount of compensation you deserve.
In many cases, an accident victim’s expenses may exceed the amount covered by the at-fault party’s insurer. That means you may have to deal with your insurer and the negligent driver’s insurer to get all you need to cover your medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. It can be a cumbersome process if you don’t know what you’re doing. Most accident victims don’t have the skills necessary to deal with a third-party claim. That is why accident victims should retain an injury lawyer and allow them to handle negotiations with insurers and all communications with any parties pertinent to your case.
Your insurer will most likely cover your medical bills, but other damages such as emotional distress and lost wages must come from the at-fault party’s insurer.
Meet with a Car Accident Attorney in California
You have a lot of important decisions to make in the wake of a deadly or injurious traffic accident. A car accident attorney in California can explain how a third-party personal injury claim works. You can find a knowledgeable lawyer who can help you with all aspects of your personal injury or wrongful death claim at
Speak to one of our online operators or submit some basic information on our contact page and we’ll refer your case to a nearby car accident attorney. One of our board-certified accident lawyers will contact you and set up a time to talk about your accident and what you must do to get a generous settlement.