What are Some Back to School Driving Tips I Can Implement?

With school back in session in Flagstaff, Arizona, one thing is for sure, and that is that the roadways are back to being busy and overcrowded early in the mornings and in the afternoon. And whether you are carpooling with your friendly neighbor to save on time and gas, or your teen is finally able to take the car to school on their own, there are few important safety tips car accident attorneys in Flagstaff would like to share with you in order to prevent any crashes from occurring and ensure the beginning of this year is the best it can possibly be. And while you are in control of those still at home, don’t forget your babies who may also be headed off to college as this may be their first time away from home and without the constant supervision of their parents.

Always buckle up and ensure your children are securely fastened in their seat.

So, to help keep you on your feet and free from harm this school year, propertycasualty360.com has provided some great tips for you, and local car crash attorneys in Arizona are here to highlight some of the key points that stand out to be most beneficial as you make your way back to school or are preparing to get back into school mode.

  • Always wear your seatbelt- Of course we hear it all the time and reiterate it to our children, but back to school also means back to those mornings when things become chaotic and you find yourself rushing around to make it on time to work and get your kids to school. The same goes for college students who don’t want to miss that first day of class or risk being locked out on test day because they were late. Rushing around causes us to become distracted and it is easy to overlook putting on that seatbelt in the midst of all the rushing.



Be mindful of the speed zones as school zone speed limits will soon go into effect.

The fact is, a seatbelt can save your life so don’t forget to click it the moment you get inside the vehicle.

  • The next thing car accident lawyers in Flagstaff  remind you of is to be cognizant of speed limits. Whether it is a work zone or school zone, you don’t want to be caught in the middle of collision simply because you neglected to slow down when the speed limit reminded you to.
  • Always avoid distracted driving. Too many individuals are killed in car accidents that occur because they were looking down at their phone and not at the most important thing in front of them, the road.
  • Finally, auto accident lawyers in Flagstaff remind you to have a towing company in mind in the event something does occur. You don’t want to be stuck without a vehicle and a company trying to charge you exuberant amounts just to remove your vehicle from the road.

In the event you ever encounter a car accident and need a reputable car crash lawyer in Flagstaff to step in and assist, remember, The Kaiser Law Group can represent you as they possess some of the best auto accident attorneys in the state of Arizona. The Kaiser Law Group understands what elements create a solid case and will ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to.