What are Some Ways to Travel Safely During Memorial Day Weekend?
Some of the busiest travel times of the year include major holidays, spring break, and Memorial Day weekend. With roadways filling up with anxious individuals excited to begin their long, over-due weekend off from work and other day to day responsibilities, being aware of the heightened dangers on the roadways is rather important. Although some accidents are unavoidable, there are certain measures that can be taken to make your trip smooth, safe, and enjoyable. Car accident attorneys in New Haven, Connecticut present some tips below to keep in mind as you plan accordingly for the long weekend that is approaching.
Memorial Day weekend is known to have many travelers on the road.Whether you are planning to make your way down to the beach, a nearby friend’s house, or even to another state, traveling during this particular weekend can be quite hectic. Regardless of where you are, the New Haven, Connecticut car crash lawyers want you to implement these simple, yet useful tips into your weekend in the event you are spending Memorial Day outside of your home.
The American Red Cross has presented these rather common tactics to be used when traveling on the road for Memorial Day that may seem as common knowledge but can easily be forgotten as the excitement has consumed all who are ready to get their weekend started.
With that in mind, when planning next weekend’s getaway, include these tips in the process.
Distractions while driving increase the chance of a car accident occurring.- When traveling on the roadway, avoid distractions such as:
-Using your cell phone.
-Interacting with passengers and giving them more attention than the road.
-Trying to tend to children in the backseat.
- Don’t let you gas tank get too low. If you are traveling a long distance, ensure you frequently fill up to avoid running out of gas and stalling. The last thing you and your family want to do is spend Memorial Day weekend getting your automobile towed as opposed to relaxing by the beach.
- Keep an emergency safety kit with you. If someone if your car has allergies or specific medication they are required to take, be sure if it safely packed and available in the event it is needed.
- Car collision attorneys in Connecticut remind you to avoid driving while under the influence. If you are simply spending the day at the beach or at a friend’s house, and have had an alcoholic beverage, refrain from driving or getting into the vehicle with someone who has been drinking. DWUI is quite common during this holiday and account for many fatal accidents. You can avoid this altogether by staying off the road when alcohol has been consumed.
Although Memorial Day weekend is expected to be celebrated and enjoyed by many, safety is always number one and should be instilled within you and your family. Auto accident law firms in New Haven, Connecticut take on many car accident cases that occur during these holidays. Therefore, by implementing these tips, your trip can more enjoyable, and most important, safer.