
What are the most expensive types of car accident injuries in Cedar Rapids?

Cedar Rapids, IA – Medical treatment and healthcare costs have become extremely expensive in the United States. Standard auto insurance policies that are required to drive in all states can usually cover tens of thousands of dollars worth of medical costs. However, there are some very serious or long term injuries that can cost much more over time, especially if the person needs long term or permanent care. Due to the consequences of having to deal with these kinds of massive expenses, it is best for anyone who has been hurt to contact an injury lawyer and get advice about how they can file a lawsuit for compensation.  

Traumatic brain injury

Concussions and various other types of trauma to the brain can be financially taxing. The victim may need emergency care, they will often have to stay in a hospital for an extended period of time to be monitored, and they may even have lingering symptoms for a long time that require additional care and treatment. Because many different kinds of medical care can be needed over time while the person recovers, the medical bills associated with traumatic brain injuries quickly add up. 

Damage to the back and spine

Like brain injuries, damage to a person’s back and spine can affect a number of different aspects of their life, including their ability to work and function as normal. While some people who experience back pain after an accident may only need time to recover, others who have damage to the spine in their discs and vertebrae can require expensive surgery and they may have a long road to full recovery. 


Some car accident injuries are so severe that the victim will not be able to recover and survive. This means that their family can be left with various bills related to their final emergency treatment and hospital care, along with other costs related to a funeral and burial. A family that was financially dependent on the person’s ability to earn income will be put in a difficult situation as well. For these reasons, injury attorneys are able to bring wrongful death lawsuits to assist the family members with all of their financial needs. 

Injury attorneys are available in Cedar Rapids

Eells and Tronvold Law Offices is a firm that helps individuals receive the compensation they need after an accident. Their attorneys are available to meet with people who have been injured during an initial consultation.

USAttorneys.com is a service that works with people who need to find a local lawyer. Anyone who is searching for an attorney in their area can call 800-672-3103 for assistance. 

Firm contact info:

Eells and Tronvold Law Offices

1921 51st Street NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-2400



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