What are the Most Recent Car Crash Facts for Tulsa, Oklahoma?
In 2014 alone, there were a total of 589 reported fatalities that occurred as a result of a traffic crash in Oklahoma. Among all the accidents that transpired, 22,673 individuals were faced with injuries after engaging in an auto accident. That means during that one year alone, families were left struggling to grieve the loss of their loved one’s, and individuals fought on to lead a life they once dreamed they would be able to pursue.
With its large population, Tulsa has more car accidents occurring within the city.Car wrecks have become far too common and car collision attorneys in Tulsa, Oklahoma believe more can be done to decrease these numbers. With Tulsa being one of the largest populated cities within the state of Oklahoma, it is no surprise why there is a significantly higher amount of crashes transpiring in this one city alone.
In that same year, Tulsa had 59 fatal crashes, and a total of 5075 injury crashes had occurred. What’s even more shocking is that those numbers do not even represent the actual amount of car accidents that occurred in total. In 2014, 8513 vehicles were involved in a collision.
Car accident lawyers bring these numbers to your attention as they reflect the most current data provided by the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, but do not reveal how the total number of incidents have increased over the last two years. The fact is, a car crash can happen at any given time. You could be riding down your street, only a few blocks away from your home, and a negligent driver could run a stop sign. You could be on your way to work and an inattentive motorist may be texting on their cell phone failing to yield as you hit your breaks.
The realities of these car collision statistics bring awareness that even though you may not have had to endure the pain and struggle associated with losing a loved one, or had to watch as your brother or sister lost the ability to walk, these things happen all too frequently, and those drivers that bring upon these saddening accidents should be held responsible for their actions.
It is important to take extra precaution to avoid wrecks and injuries.Car crash legal representatives in the state of Tulsa, Oklahoma suggest drivers take extra precaution and instill these ways in all others around. If you have a teen who is preparing to acquire their learners permit, or even their state drivers license, ensure they practice safe driving before anything.
If you are ever faced with the unfortunate circumstance of an auto wreck, finding the right legal representation for your case can be quite valuable. Gee Law Firm, PLLC is conveniently located in Tulsa and works with clients just like you who are in need of obtaining compensation for the unfortunate damages that you have incurred. Having a car crash lawyer in Oklahoma on your side may not heal your loss or injuries, but they can certainty help to obtain justice for you and your loved ones.