
What can happen to speeding drivers who cause accidents in Yuma?

Yuma, AZ – Speed limits are an important part of traffic laws in Arizona and other states, as speeding is a common cause of motor vehicle collisions. This is why speed limits are clearly posted in various areas, and law enforcement has the authority to conduct traffic stops and issue speeding drivers a citation. If the driver is involved in a collision, there may be additional consequences as well, mostly related to their financial responsibility for causing the incident. Attorneys near me can explain these matters more thoroughly. 

Civil accident lawsuits

Liability is imposed on any driver who makes a mistake and causes a collision. This is why auto insurance for basic liability coverage is required in every state in the country, as this ensures that damage is paid for by the insurance company after the driver has been paying into their policy. After any accident it is possible to get legal advice regarding a lawsuit and the process to receive compensation for losses such as vehicle damage and medical bills. This may be necessary even if the driver responsible has auto insurance. Various injury firms focus their practice on motor vehicle accident lawsuits, as these are common in every state and city around the country. 

Negligence laws

An important part of the analysis regarding fault for a motor vehicle collision is whether the driver responsible was negligent or not. The elements of negligence include a standard duty of care, a breach of that duty, actual and proximate causation, and damages. The amount of compensation that the plaintiff asks for is listed in the statement for relief which summarizes their damages. This generally includes lost wages and income, medical bills and hospital costs, and non-economic damages related to pain and suffering caused during the accident and recovery period. 

Speeding is fairly obvious evidence of a breach of the required standard of care on the roads, as are other traffic violations. When the plaintiff introduces evidence of speeding through a traffic citation or other means, it is more likely that the defense attorneys will be willing to reach a favorable settlement with the plaintiff. It is also more difficult to the defend the actions of a driver who clearly violated the law. 

Advice from a local attorney in Yuma

Schneider and Onofry is a law practice that works with clients in the Yuma area who have dealt with various problems related to motor vehicle crashes and other personal injury issues. Those who need additional assistance can contact the firm’s attorneys.

USAttorneys.com is a service that matches people with lawyers who can assist with their problems anywhere in the country. For additional information about finding a legal professional, call 800-672-3103

Firm contact info:

Schneider & Onofry, P.C.

207 W. 2nd St., Yuma AZ 85364



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