
What Happens if I Drive Without Insurance in Fort Lauderdale, Florida?

It is the legal requirement in Florida for all drivers to carry car insurance. The last thing you want to do is get into an accident while you are not insured. There are penalties for drivers who decide to operate a vehicle without insurance on their own, and the penalties for getting into an accident while being uninsured are even worse.

If you are caught without insurance the first time, you will have your license suspended for up to three years and will also be required to pay a $150 fee when you obtain insurance. If you are caught a second time driving without insurance, you will have your license suspended for up to three years again and will have to pay an increased $250 fee.

If within three years of your last offense you are caught a third time operating a vehicle without insurance, you will face the penalty of losing your license for up to three years and will have to pay an increased fine of $500 for your irresponsible behavior.

Many drivers make the mistake of thinking that the DHSMV will not be aware if they drop their insurance, but this could not be further from the truth. The moment you cancel your automobile insurance, the insurer is required to notify the DHSMV and you will be given a suspension letter shortly after they are notified unless you can prove you have secured insurance from another carrier.

Getting into an accident while uninsured in Fort Lauderdale, Florida


If you get into an accident and it is determined that you were uninsured, you will be compelled to get a certificate that mandates you to carry extra coverage than normal under Florida law. Also, you will find it exceedingly difficult to find an insurer willing to risk letting you sign up with them.

If you have gotten into an accident and were not insured, you will need the help of a proper accident attorney to assist you with the legalities of your case. If you were insured and you got into an accident, you will still need the help of a legal representative when reaching out to your insurance company. Most insurers will give you a lower offer of settlement then what your policy allows when you do not use the correct legal references in your correspondence with them.

An attorney can communicate with them on your behalf and negotiate until a fair amount is agreed on by all parties involved in the collision.

Get in touch with a lawyer today at Tucker Law to get help with the legal process after getting into a car accident.

Reach us at:

200 SE 6th Street, Suite 405

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

PHONE: 954-204-0444


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