
What kinds of driver behaviors are covered under the careless driving law in Brownsfield?

Brownsfield, LA – The government in Louisiana and other states attempts to regulate what drivers can and cannot do on the roads. This is mostly meant for the purposes of driver and public safety, as things like speeding and going through stop signs are likely to cause accidents. However, there are some traffic laws that are used in many different situations when a police officer feels that a driver was acting in an unsafe manner, and the Louisiana careless driving law is one of them. Those who were injured by a careless driver also have the ability to file an insurance claim and try to get compensation through legal action.

Careless operation of a motor vehicle

Whenever someone reads the Louisiana statute that covers careless operation of a motor vehicle, they are not given a very specific definition. The law simply states that all drivers must drive in a careful and prudent manner, in order to not damage property or endanger lives. This gives police officers a fairly large amount of discretion to use this law as a pretext to stop drivers in many situations. Fines associated with this traffic ticket can be several hundred dollars. 

What kinds of behaviors may be careless?

If a driver is intentionally trying to create dangers on the road, this is usually considered reckless driving. However, many mistakes that can result in accidents such as inappropriate lane changes, following another driver too closely, and a combination of other traffic violations can be considered careless driving. This analysis is highly fact specific and the officer can explain their reasoning why any given driver’s mistakes are considered careless. 

Lawsuits against careless drivers

Those who have been issued a citation for careless driving or other offenses when they are involved in an accident may face civil lawsuits as well. This is because any deviation from the normal standard of care on the roads is considered negligence, and this becomes the legal grounds for injury lawsuits. The defendant in the case or their insurance provider may have to pay out thousands of dollars for things like medical treatment, lost income, and pain and suffering. Accident lawyers advocate for their clients to try to get as much compensation as necessary through a settlement or trial.

Louisiana accident lawyers

Miller, Hampton, and Hilgendorf is a firm that deals with cases related to injuries and accidents in the Brownsfield area. Their lawyers are available to meet with anyone who is considering a civil lawsuit for compensation.

USAttorneys.com is a service that helps people find a lawyer in their city or state. Anyone who needs assistance with their search can call 800-672-3103

Firm contact info:

Miller, Hampton, and Hilgendorf

3960 Government St., Baton Rouge, LA 70806



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