
What times are the most dangerous for ride sharing in Lake Worth?

Lake Worth, FL – Drivers for services such as Uber and Lyft can get into accidents like anyone else. If they are on the road for several hours during the day, their risk increases and there are certain times of the day when crashes are more likely to happen. People who have been hurt while getting a ride should report the accident immediately and see if they need medical treatment. At a later time, they may be able to sue the ride sharing company and hold them accountable for their losses. An accident lawyer can provide more information about how to receive compensation if the ride sharing driver was involved in a crash. 

Holiday weekends

When many people are on vacation, especially during the summer holidays of July 4th and Memorial Day, lots of people do reckless things on the roads. This can include more drunk drivers, additional speeding, and not paying attention to the area directly in front of the vehicle. There are also more people requesting rides at these times due to things like tourism and vacations. All of these factors together mean that ride sharing accidents may happen on holiday weekends. 

The evening rush hour and surrounding times

Data from auto insurance companies has shown that the time period from right before rush hour until a couple of hours afterward at night is when most car crashes happen. This is partially due to many drivers all trying to get home at the same time, along with people getting tired after working all day and not being as alert. Fatigue is especially dangerous, and it has long been known to be a leading cause of accidents. 

Night driving

When the sun is down, there are also other dangers that become apparent. Drivers tend to have less visibility, including the possibility of being blinded by lights from other drivers. People who have been consuming drugs or alcohol also tend to try to get home late at night, which is a very serious danger for everyone. As with the rush hour commute, night driving is also associated with fatigue, which means many people who have already been out all day will not be as alert during the time when they are driving home. 

Accident lawyers in the Palm Beach area

Smith and Vanture is an accident firm that has extensive experience handling cases in Lake Worth and other parts of Palm Beach County. Their attorneys can provide advice following any motor vehicle crash. 

USAttorneys.com is a service that works with people who are trying to find a lawyer. Anyone who needs assistance with their search can call 800-672-3103 for a referral. 

Firm contact info:

Smith and Vanture

580 Village Blvd. Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33409


[email protected]


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