What Types of Technology Help Reduce Distracted Driving?
Car accident lawyers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin identify some gadgets that have the potential to help reduce the number of distractions as you drive your vehicle.
Are you aware of the number of deaths that have occurred in the past week within the state of Wisconsin? Perhaps you considered the number of victims who have sustained injuries and are unable to resume their daily routines, losing the option of leading the life they had intended on living? As reliable as our vehicles are, they often place us in situations that involve much pain and destruction, especially when the individual driving is being careless or inattentive.
Distracted driving is recognized for causing a numerous amount of fatal car accidents.
Milwaukee car crash attorneys identify distracted driving as one of the leading causes of accidents across the U.S., and account for many of the lives lost. Whether it is you getting behind the wheel of a vehicle, or your teen who has recently acquired their drivers license, you want to know you have taken measures in order to help decrease the amount of distractions that occur while operating your automobile. Cell phones have by far significantly increased the number of distracted drivers on the roadways, which is why the lawyers at USAttorneys.com share with you below some gadgets you can purchase that may help relieve you from distraction.
Key2SafeDriving: This reliable piece of technology has the ability to send any incoming calls to voicemail automatically, as well as reply to a text letting the person on the other end of the phone know you are currently driving. With this, you are not tempted to answer the phone the minute it rings, or reply to a text the moment it dings. Car collision lawyers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin always encourage drivers to refrain from engaging in any sort of behavior that could in fact take their eyes off the road.
Vlingo allows you to keep both hands on the wheel and pay attention to the roadway.
Vlingo: If you are one of those individuals who is unable to be away from your phone and always having to stay current with the number of incoming calls, emails, or texts, this product gives you the option of using voice-activated dialing to place a phone call and have your texts and emails read aloud as you place all your attention on the roadway to avoid engaging in a car accident.
Hands Free Headset: Another way to ensure you do not miss an important phone call you may have been waiting on is by using a Bluetooth headset that allows you the option of keeping your hands on the wheel of your car, and your eyes on the road.
While any sort of engagement with a cell phone is always discouraged, in the event you are looking for something that could help reduce your distractions in your vehicle, these are some gadgets that have made their way on the market, appealing to individuals just like you.
Steer clear of cell phone usage on the roadways to decrease your chances of engaging in an accident.
The Wisconsin auto accident attorneys at Mingo & Yankala, S.C. remind you to always practice safe driving, and in the event you are ever involved in a car accident, requiring the assistance of a caring and trustworthy car crash law firm, they are who you want to contact for legal aid.